【应用笔记】宏功能模块的OpenCore Plus评估(OpenCore Plus Evaluation of Megafunctions)
Altera® and Altera Megafunction Partners Program (AMPPSM) partners
offer a broad portfolio of megafunctions optimized for Altera devices.
The Altera MegaCore® functions and AMPP megafunctions are reusable
blocks of intellectual property (IP) that you can customize and use in a
design, allowing you to concentrate on adding proprietary value. Using
megafunctions reduces your system implementation and verification
times while maintaining high quality. OpenCore Plus Evaluation of
November 2007, version 1.6 Application Note 320
Introduction Altera and Altera Megafunction Partners Program (AMPPSM) partners
offer a broad portfolio of megafunctions optimized for Altera devices.
The Altera MegaCore functions and AMPP megafunctions are reusable
blocks of intellectual property (IP) that you can customize and use in a
design, allowing you to concentrate on adding proprietary value. Using
megafunctions ……