摘要:新一代IC与被动元件的改进,使电荷泵电压转换最惠国待遇的做法在许多应用中的结合。在许多情况下,早期的电荷泵被认为是不适宜的或只接受与妥协。例如,一个应用程序,轻松的精确度,低负载电流,高噪声容限,最小的效率需要可以受益于一个电荷泵的成本更低,尺寸更小,电路简单,和当然电感自由运作。Maxim > Design support > App notes > Battery Management > APP 669
Maxim > Design support > App notes > Power-Supply Circuits > APP 669
Keywords: charge pump, inductorless, power supply, dcdc, dc-dc, DC-DC
Sep 06, 2001
Charge Pumps Shine in Portable Designs
Abstract: New-generation ICs have combined with passive-component improvements to make charge-pump voltage conversion a
favored approach in many applications. In many cases, the earlier charge pumps were considered either unsuitable or acceptable
only with compromise. For example, an application that had relaxed accuracy, low load current, high noise tolerance, and minimal
need for efficiency could……