PowerTool 200 is a Windows XP compatible software package that supports the rapid
development and production of rechargeable battery chargers based on Microchip’s
PS2XX ICs. PowerTool 200 simplifies the design process by providing a high-level,
menu-driven environment that allows the designer to quickly and easily develop a
battery charger based on the PS2XX.
PowerTool 200 software interfaces to the PS2070 evaluation board through the
PowerInfo 2 interface board and PowerCal 2 calibration board. PS2XX EEPROM
values can be written and read, allowing for complete configuration of the PS2XX.
The PowerTool 200 interface is divided into several tabbed pages which organize
charger configuration by functions. Each page includes a parameter summary which
allows the user to keep track of the changes made. During charger development, the
user is stepped through a variety of parameters which can be altered to accommodate
the design. Instructions and default values are given throughout. Charging limit values
are displayed graphically to help convey how parameter value changes effect the
charge profile. A schematic and bill of materials for a simple buck converter are
generated based on user inputs. PS020, PowerTool 200
Development Software
User’s Guide
2005 Microchip Technology Inc. DS21925A
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