The PICMASTER system supports Windows Dynamic
Data Exchange (DDE). This feature allows the contents
of the trace buffer to be transferred to other windows
applications such as Microsoft Excel™. This feature is
invaluable to control systems designers who would like
to plot real-time data to debug and fine tune an applica-
tion. This application note will show how to set this up
and graph system data. PICMASTER Support of Microsoft Windows DDE
PICMASTER Support of Microsoft Windows DDE
The PICMASTER system supports Windows Dynamic 5. You will see the trace buffer fill with instructions and
Data Exchange (DDE). This feature allows the contents data if those instructions were executed and trace
of the trace buffer to be transferred to other windows enabled. If you do not see any instructions in the
applications such as Microsoft Excel. This feature is trace buffer, check the Trace Settings in (1) and look
invaluable to control systems designers who wo……