记介绍了利用电流检测放大器,差分放大器和仪表放大器测量电池的充电和放电电流,便携式设备,电脑笔记本电脑和USB配件。它比较偏低,差分放大器的高边电流检测放大器和建议电流检测电阻的选择标准。描述一个高压断路器电路提供过电流保护系统因故障和短路。包含一个变量的线性电流源和一个可编程0-5A电流源的应用电路。Maxim > App Notes > Automotive Circuit Protection
Keywords: current sense IC, high side, current sense, amplifier, unidirectional, bi-directional, bidirectional, over current protection, short Nov 19, 2001
circuit protection, current sense resistor, current source, fuel gauges, fuel gages, battery charging current
High-Side Current-Sense Measurement: Circuits and Principles
Abstract:This application note describes the use of current sense amplifiers, differential amplifiers and instrumentation amplifiers
to measure battery charge and discharge currents in portable equipment, computer notebooks and USB accessories. It compares
high side current sense amplifiers with low side differential amplifiers and recommends selection criteria for current sense
resistors. A……