【应用手册】AN 593: Anti-Tamper Protection for Cyclone III LS Devices
This application note presents a design platform that integrates the various
Cyclone® III LS security features with an external MAX® II device as a configuration
Cyclone III LS devices extend the Cyclone architecture to include higher density,
higher memory, smaller packages, and security features to protect your intellectual
property (IP). These FPGAs are the first devices to implement a suite of security
features at the silicon, software, and IP level on a low-power, highly-functional device
platform. AN 593: Anti-Tamper Protection for
Cyclone III LS Devices
October 2009 AN-593-1.0
This application note presents a design platform that integrates the various
Cyclone III LS security features with an external MAX II device as a configuration
Cyclone III LS devices extend the Cyclone architecture to include higher density,
higher memory, smaller packages, and security features to protect your intellectual