【应用手册】AN 603: Active Serial Remote System Upgrade Reference Design
This application note provides a reference design for the active serial (AS) remote
system upgrade feature in Arria II GX, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices. The AS
remote system upgrade feature enables supported Altera devices to receive new
configuration data from a remote source, update of the flash memory content, and
reconfigure the device with new configuration data, allowing you to overcome
difficult challenges such as shorten design cycles, evolving standards, and system
deployments in remote locations.
This reference design instantiates the ALTREMOTE_UPDATE megafunction and a
user logic to initiate the reconfiguration cycle. Use this reference design to begin using
the remote system upgrade feature in Arria II GX, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices
and then you can modify the design to suit your system usage. AN 603: Active Serial Remote System
Upgrade Reference Design
April 2010 AN-603-1.0
This application note provides a reference design for the active serial (AS) remote
system upgrade feature in Arria II GX, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices. The AS
remote system upgrade feature enables supported Altera devices to receive new
configuration data from a remote source, update of the flash memory content, and
reconfigure the device wi……