要:本应用笔记介绍了在这两个相邻的CCFL灯管都有一个共同的,低压侧灯连接背光LCD应用。这种设计在汽车,工业和航空电子应用。本文介绍如何将DS3882的CCFL控制器可以用来驱动两个CCFL灯管,都有一个共同的返回值。Maxim > App Notes > AUTOMOTIVE
Keywords: CCFL, cold cathode fluorescent lamp, LCD, liquid crystal display, automotive, infotainment, Jan 03, 2008
Use a DS3882 CCFL Controller to Drive a Two-Lamp Common-
Return Configuration
Abstract: This application note describes a backlight LCD application in which two adjacent CCFL lamps share a
common, low-voltage side lamp connection. This design is found in automotive, industrial, and avionic
applications. The article describes how a DS3882 CCFL controller can be used to drive the two CCFL lamps that
share a common return.
The DS3882 is a two-channel controller for cold-cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFL) that backlight liquid crystal
displays (LCD) in automotive, industrial, and avionic application……