摘要:微软Windows®下一代客户端操作系统, Windows Vista®的俗称,是提高质量和保真度的台式机和笔记本电脑的音频体验。制造商必须满足严格的音频性能要求¹以许可的Windows Vista组件的硬件标志。这些要求是基于音频的性能指标,如总谐波失真加噪声( THD + N),动态范围(DR )和串扰。Maxim > App Notes > Audio Circuits
Keywords: capacitor, audio, THD+N, voltage coefficient, piezoelectric, dielectric, Vista, input coupling Nov 06, 2008
Capacitor Type Selection Optimizes PC Sound Quality for Windows
Vista Audio Requirements
By: Kymberly Christman (Schmidt)
Abstract: Microsoft Windows next-generation client operating system, more commonly referred to as Windows
Vista, is enhancing the quality and fidelity of the desktop and notebook PC audio experience. Manufacturers must
meet strict audio performance requirements in order to license the Windows Vista logo for component hardware.
These requirements are based on audio performance specifications, such as total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD
+N), dynamic range (DR), and crosstalk.
The audio……