摘要:本应用笔记探讨D类(开关模式和滤波器)音频放大器的运作和效益。如MAX4295单声道和立体声滤波器MAX9701与提高工作效率提供高品质的音频相比,传统的线性音频放大器( A类,B类, AB类)时,开关模式放大器。本应用笔记介绍了传统的线性音频放大器设计概述,然后比较他们与D类放大器设计。新的G类放大器的优点是公认的。文章显示效率的计算和D类放大器的输出滤波器的设计。 D类放大器的高效率表现与MAX9701 。Maxim > App Notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits Audio Circuits
Keywords: audio amplifier, speaker driver, BTL, bridge-tied load, switching audio, Class D, PWM, switch-mode, H-bridge, efficiency Sep 20, 2010
High-Efficiency Class D Audio Amplifiers Extend Battery Life in
Portable Applications
Abstract:This application note examines the operation and benefits of a Class D (switch-mode and filterless) audio amplifier.
Switch-mode amplifiers such as the mono MAX4295 and stereo filterless MAX9701 offer high quality audio with improved
efficiency when compared to traditional linear audio amplifiers (Class A, Class B, and Class AB). This application note presents
an overview of traditional linear audio amplifier designs and then compares them with Class D ampli……