The ISL59481 contains two independent unity gain triple 4:1 MUX amplifiers that feature high slew rate and excellent bandwidth for RGB video switching. Each RGB 4:1 MUX contains binary coded, channel select logic inputs (S0, S1), and separate logic inputs for High Impedance output (HIZ) and power-down (EN) modes. The HIZ state presents a high impedance at the output so that both RGB MUX outputs can be wired together to form an 8:1 RGB MUX amplifier or they can be used in R-R, G-G, and B-B pairs to form a 4:1 differential input/output MUX. Separate power-down mode controls (EN1, EN2) are included to turn off unused circuitry in power sensitive applications. With both EN pins pulled high, the ISL59481 enters a standby power mode - consuming just 36mW.
ISL59481EVAL1Z Evaluation Board
User’s Guide
Application Note May 3, 2007 AN1320.0
Introduction continuous channel-by-channel scan of as few as 2 input
channels and as many as 8 input channels (Table 2). A
The ISL59481EVAL1Z evaluation board contains the
jumper op……