The ISL9216 and ISL9217 chipset provides overcurrent protection and voltage monitoring for multi-cell li-ion battery packs consisting of 8 to 12 cells. When used together, these devices provide integrated overcurrent protection circuitry, short circuit protection, an internal voltage regulator, internal cell balancing switches, cell voltage level shifters, and drive circuitry for external FET devices that control pack charge and discharge. Level shifting of the analog output voltage from the upper cells and communication between the chips is handled automatically.
ISL9216EVAL1Z (Rev D) User Guide
Application Note October 10, 2007 AN1357.0
Description Battery/Power Supply Connection
This document is intended for use by individuals engaged in When connecting battery packs or power supplies, use the
the development of hardware and software for an 8 to 12 connections of Figures 1 and 2. If individual power supplies
series Li-ion battery pack hardware using the are being used to replace batte……