【应用手册】High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces in Stratix Devices
To achieve high data transfer rates, Stratix® devices support True-
LVDSTM differential I/O interfaces which have dedicated
serializer/deserializer (SERDES) circuitry for each differential I/O pair.
Stratix SERDES circuitry transmits and receives up to 840 megabits per
second (Mbps) per channel. The differential I/O interfaces in Stratix
devices support many high-speed I/O standards, such as LVDS,
LVPECL, PCML, and HyperTransportTM technology. Stratix device highspeed
modules are designed to provide solutions for many leading
protocols such as SPI-4 Phase 2, SFI-4, 10G Ethernet XSBI, RapidIO,
HyperTransport technology, and UTOPIA-4. 5. High-Speed Differential I/O
Interfaces in Stratix Devices
Introduction To achieve high data transfer rates, Stratix devices support True-
LVDSTM differential I/O interfaces which have dedicated
serializer/deserializer (SERDES) circuitry for each differential I/O pair.
Stratix SERDES circuitry transmits and receives up to 840 megabits per
second (Mbps) per channel. The differential I/O interfaces in Stratix
devices support many high-speed I/O standards, such as LVDS,
LVPECL, PCML, and HyperTransportTM technology. Stratix device high-
speed mod……