The oscillator circuit for almost any microcontroller is a
fairly simple design with very few components. Select-
ing the values for capacitors and resistors from the
manufacturers’ data books will get you a circuit that
oscillates. However, many conditions can adversely
affect the performance of your oscillator design. Higher
temperatures and lower supply voltages can lower the
amplifier gain (and thus the loop gain in the oscillator
circuit) causing poor, slow, or no start-up. Colder tem-
peratures and higher supply voltages can increase
amplifier gain, causing the circuit to be forced to a
higher harmonic and throw off the timing. The crystal
can also be overdriven and become potentially dam-
aged and cease functioning altogether. It is also possi-
ble to waste power through the improper selection of
components or Clock modes. AN849
Basic PICmicro Oscillator Design
The Oscillator Circuit
Author: Dan Matthews
Microchip Technology Inc. The circuit shown in Figure 1 is a typical parallel reso-
nant oscillator circuit, as used with the Microchip PIC-
micro family of devices. The output of an inverting
INTRODUCTION amplifier is fed back to its input to create an "unstable"