The MCP2515 eases software development and
shortens the learning curve for the MCP2515 by
providing three PC software templates with different
functions that CAN node designers can use as needed.
By using one of the templates, the user can read,
display, and modify all of the registers in the MCP2515
down to the bit level. Another template can
demonstrate basic input/output functionality by
allowing messages to be transmitted and received on
the CAN bus. Finally, the third template is a
demonstration template that, by using a
preprogrammed PICmicro
microcontroller (MCU),
implements a two node CAN bus that gets the user “on
the bus” in the shortest amount of time and effort.
This application note serves as a three-part tutorial for
the MCP2515 and discusses the three software
templates in detail as well as the important menu items.
Figure 1 is a block diagram of the MCP2515 board. The
board is a two node CAN system that can be used
together to implement a simple bus or can be
connected to an external bus using the off-boardM AN873
Using the MCP2515 CAN Developer’s Kit
connector. For the purposes of this application note,
Author: Pat Richards
the left node will be referred to as the PC node and the
Microchip Technology Inc.
right node will be referred to as the PICmicro node.
Both nodes are identical except for the controll……