The PIC18C601 and PIC18C801 microcontrollers are
the first members of Microchip’s PIC18 family with no
on-chip program memory. They offer the PIC18 archi-
tecture, with the ability to use different types and sizes
of external program memory (up to 2 Mbyte) to exactly
fit most applications.
In modern embedded applications, where features and
functionality are constantly evolving, FLASH memory is
an ideal choice for external program memory. Field
upgradability is almost always desirable in these sys-
tems, too. Most commonly available FLASH devices,
however, disable read access while being programmed
or erased. They also require special command
sequences for programming, and have longer erase
and write times than read times. As a result, systems
using FLASH technology require either a second mem-
ory device, or a microcontroller with built-in memory
space, in order to implement field reprogrammability.
PIC18C601/801 controllers do this by allowing part of
on-chip data memory to be reconfigured as program
memory.M AN819
Implementing Bootloader Firmware for the
PIC18C601/801 ROMless Microcontrollers
This application note discusses the general design
Authors: Gaurang Kavaiya and
Nilesh Rajbharti requirements for bootloader firmware in a ROMless
Microchip Technology Inc. controller system. To illustrate the key points, a fully-
featured reference design, with an interface to external
host soft……