Abstract: Single-supply circuitry saves space and cost, but audio and video are usually referenced to ground, which requires two op amps and a negative rail. This circuit, however, uses only one op amp (MAX4380) to level-shift a ground-referenced signal while operating on a single supply voltage. Maxim > Design support > App notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits > APP 4836
Maxim > Design support > App notes > Audio Circuits > APP 4836
Maxim > Design support > App notes > Video Circuits > APP 4836
Keywords: portable, battery operated, single-supply circuitry, op amps, level shifters
Feb 08, 2011
Single-Supply Op Amp Forms Noninverting Level Shifter
Abstract:Single-supply circuitry saves space and cost, but audio and video are usually referenced to ground, which requires two op
amps and a negative rail. This circuit, however, uses only one op amp (MAX4380) to level-shift a ground-referenced signal while
operating on a single supply ……