Abstract: The glossary provides a detailed description of AC performance terms related to high-speed data converters such as ADCs and DACs. It also gives some insight into the test conditions these parameters are specified for.Maxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A CONVERSION/SAMPLING CIRCUITS HIGH-SPEED SIGNAL PROCESSING
Keywords: aliasing, aperture, INL, crosstalk, coherent sampling, common-mode, DNL, dithering, ENOB, flash, Mar 22, 2001
frequency bin, glitch energy, latency, monotonicity, intermodulation, SNR, NPR, quantization, SFDR, SINAD,
spectral leakage, THD, VSWR
Glossary of Frequently Used High-Speed Data Converter
Abstract: The glossary provides a detailed description of AC performance terms related to high-speed data
converters such as ADCs and DACs. It also gives some insight into the test conditions these parameters are
specified for.
In sampling theory, an input signal (fIN) must be sampled with at least twice its frequency (Nyquist crit……