Abstract: Charge pumps are a form of DC-DC converter that rely on capacitors instead of inductors for energy storage and transfer. The absence of inductors makes them attractive in situations requiring a low-power auxiliary supply (output currents up to about 150mA). They use less circuit-board area, offer minimal component height, and are easy to useMaxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A CONVERSION/SAMPLING CIRCUITS
Keywords: Simple Methods Reduce Input Ripple for All Charge Pumps May 13, 2003
Simple Methods Reduce Input Ripple for All Charge Pumps
Abstract: Charge pumps are a form of DC-DC converter that rely on capacitors instead of inductors for energy
storage and transfer. The absence of inductors makes them attractive in situations requiring a low-power
auxiliary supply (output currents up to about 150mA). They use less circuit-board area, offer minimal
component height, and are easy to use.
Charge pumps can have regulated or unregulated outputs. An unregulated charge pump either doubles or
inverts the voltage that powers it and the output voltage is a function of the supply vol……