Abstract: This document contains a list of terms pertaining to the use of 1-Wire® and iButton® SHA-1 devices (i.e., the DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, and DS28E01-100). This document has been created in an effort to make the terms in the various application notes and data sheets concerning the above devices consistent. Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices iButton Security and Authentication
Keywords: glossary, SHA, SHA-1, DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, authenticate, authentication, binding data, challenge, response, Jun 07, 2002
coprocessor, debit, credit, ecash, eCertificate, emulate, entropy, hash, signature, secret, MAC, hash, password, PIN, passphrase, pseudor
White Paper 4: Glossary of 1-Wire SHA-1 Terms
Abstract:This document contains a list of terms pertaining to the use of 1-Wire and iButton SHA-1 devices (i.e., the
DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, and DS28E01-100). This document has been created in an effort to make the terms in the various
application notes and data sheets concerning the above devices consistent.
This document contains a list of t……