Abstract: Maxim 1-Wire devices are used in remote places where the distance between the device and the Host may exceed the 1-Wire specifications. This Application Note describes a simple protocol that can be used between the Host and a remote controller that performs the 1-Wire communication. Originally created to support the IEEE® 1451.4 A Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators—Mixed-Mode Communication Protocols and Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) Formats standards committeeMinimal Remote 1-Wire Master Protocol
Mar 03, 2004
Abstract: Maxim 1-Wire devices are used in remote places where the distance between the device and the Host may exceed the
1-Wire specifications. This Application Note describes a simple protocol that can be used between the Host and a remote controller
that performs the 1-Wire communication. Originally created to support the IEEE 1451.4 A Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors
and Actuators―Mixed-Mode Communication Protocols and Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) Formats standards
Maxim 1-Wire devices are used in remote places where the distance between the device and the Host may exceed the 1-Wire
In such cases it is useful to be able to have some kind of communication equipment in betwee……