数字逻辑电路之数字电路 Outline
z Introduction
z Number Systems & Codes
z Digital Circuits
z Combinational Logic Design
z Sequential Logic Design
z Memory, CPLDs & FPGAs
z Summary
Copyright reserved by
2004-10-14 Prof.Luo,Tsinghua Univ. 89
Purpose of Digital Circuits
z Give you a solid working knowledge
of the electrical aspects of digital
circuits, enough for you to
understand and build real circuits
and systems
Copyright reserved by
2004-10-14 Prof.Luo,Tsinghua Univ. 90
Digital Circuits
z Introduction
z Refer to 3.1, 3.2
z CMOS Circuits
z Refer to 3.3 to 3.6, 3.7.1 to 3.7.3
z Bipolar Logic
z Refer to 3.9, self-study
z TTL Logic