现在许多嵌入式设备都要加usb接口,为什么要加,怎么加,这篇文章有简单的讲述。不过是英文的,幸好不长,大家不要怕,很快就看完了,希望您能有点收获 Designing USB
Into Embedded Systems
Issues and Answers
The interoperability, performance, and ease-of-use of USB has led to its overwhelming
acceptance in the marketplace. It is the interface of choice for all but the highest performance and
lowest cost applications. This near-ubiquity has led many companies to investigate adding USB
to existing embedded designs, thus providing compatibility with a wide variety of devices with a
minimum of development effort.
However, the ease-of-use of USB from a consumer standpoint belies the serious complexity of
the software and hardware design. Making poor decisio……