原创 Atmel 地震了??

2008-10-8 22:34 5030 7 9 分类: 工程师职场


Microchip Letter to Customers & Channel Partners
   October 2, 2008

Dear Valued Customers and Channel Partners,

We made an important announcement this morning that I would like to share with you.
Microchip and ON Semiconductor today announced that we have sent a letter to the
Board of Directors of Atmel Corporation proposing to acquire the company. Upon
consummating the proposed transaction, Atmel’s Microcontroller business would
become part of Microchip’s Microcontroller business. Atmel’s Non Volatile Memory, RF
and Automotive businesses would become part of ON Semiconductor. We envision that
Microchip would sell Atmel’s ASIC business to a third party.

We expect both Microchip and Atmel Microcontroller customers would benefit from
having an expanded range of competitive solutions from a single provider. We would of
course continue to offer the full range of Microchip Microcontrollers, and deliver on the
roadmaps we have shared with you. In addition, you can expect that the strong support
that our customers are accustomed to would carry over to the Atmel Microcontroller
business as well.

Microchip has a proven reputation for enabling low-risk product development, lower total
system cost, faster time to market and outstanding customer service for thousands of
diverse customer applications worldwide spanning the automotive, communications,
computing, consumer and industrial control markets. We expect to apply these same
strengths to Atmel’s business while continuing to deliver their full range of
microcontrollers, and intend to make the integration process as seamless as possible for

Today’s announcement is only the proposal for the acquisition of Atmel. As details
become clearer in the coming months, we will seek to keep you informed in a timely
fashion. At Microchip, your success is paramount to us, and we remain committed to
doing our very best to enable your success.





用户1400544 2008-12-15 14:38

安森美与Microchip宣布放弃联合收购Atmel 上网时间:2008年11月20日 安森美半导体和Microchip公司本周二宣称,二者已经放弃此前的欲联合收购Atmel公司的努力。 在一份声明中,安森美的总裁兼首席执行官Keith Jackson认为放弃收购主要是因为当前的经济市场疲软,以及自该公司上个月首次提出欲实施23亿美元收购Atmel公司以来的“不可预知的半导体市场恶化趋势”。 Microchip公司的总裁、董事长兼首席执行官Steve Sanghi表示,“安森美的退出,Microchip公司也只能放弃每股5美元收购Atmel的计划。不过,Microchip打算在没有安森美参与的情况下,对其他潜在的收购方法进行评估。” 上周,安森美和Microchip公司向媒体透露二者欲收购Atmel公司,而后者拒绝该收提案。分析师认为该提案不会获得成功,理由是过去两个月的糟糕金融环境。此外,Atmel认为该提案远远低于该公司的实际价值。

jizzll_617398179 2008-10-10 20:49

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