移动电话打字最快的世界纪录已被一位英国女士打破。这位27岁年轻的女士名叫梅利莎.汤姆逊已经创建了一个新的世界纪录,成功的在26秒内输入160个字符。梅利莎用于手机打字一新纪录的三星Galaxy S手机。输入的内容是“The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human”。
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对破记录梅利莎.汤姆逊( MELISSA THOMPSON)表示很高兴,她说, since she doesn’t send as many messages as she used to, her fingers were “out of shape” so there is probably more to come from her。大概意思是,今天手指头有些变形,没发挥好,成绩还可能会更好之类。