We chose to use the Model 6517A Electrometer/High ResistanceSystem as the measurement instrumentation for these test config-urations because it offers femtoamp-level sensitivity and has anintegrated programmable 1000V source. Low noise triax cablesconnect the electrometer with the measurement chamber (whichis filled with inert gas) or the MBD ultra high vacuum system.Both setups have windows for illuminating the sample with alaser beam to measure photoconductivity and for visual monitor-ing of the measurement process via a microscope. The tempera-ture can be adjusted from –20°C to 120°C. The setup isillustrated in Figure 1.
图1 惰性气体[2]光电流测量结构(左图)以及薄膜生长过程中的高真空测量结构(右图):连接静电计的样本和线缆被具有同样电势(保护)的导体所包围,以阻止漏电流。
Figure 1. Setup for photocurrent measurements in inert gas (left) and high vacuum during thin film growth (right): The sample and the cable to the electrometerinput are surrounded by a conductor at the same potential (guard) to prevent leakage currents.
[1] 静电计http://www.keithley.com.cn/news/prod150211
[2] 纳米科学研究实验室http://www.keithley.com.cn/re/nrl
[3] 6517A型静电计/高阻表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a