原创 实现期望职业的诀窍十条小贴士

2011-7-7 12:22 1103 3 3 分类: 工程师职场


In order to nab your dream job, you have to know what you want first. Then set goals to get there.


It seems as if people today spend more time planning the holiday gifts they’re going to buy or the next vacation they’re ready to take than they do preparing their own lives. Most people don’t have a problem achieving goals—it’s setting clear and compelling ones that tends to throw people for a loop. Actually, most of us just don’t do it at all. But when we leave our lives and careers to chance, we can end up with a life and career that are at times lackluster and perhaps even unfulfilling. Knowing exactly what it is you want to accomplish in your career is the first step to achieving it.


Here are few tips to help you set career goals so you can get what you want.


1. Identify your values.

1. 明确自身的价值。

First, sit down and think about what things are really important to you. Maybe this includes family, helping others, creativity, integrity, being challenged? Decide which values in life mean the most to you. Then make sure that your career goals reflect these. For instance, the company you work for and the position you hold should take into account the overarching values you’ve laid out.


2. Start with the end.  

2. 从目标结果开始。

Stephen Covey, the self-help guru and author of the best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, lists as one of the habits “Begin with the end in mind.” And this is a great place to start. Only by knowing what you’re striving for can you develop a plan to get you there. Get a clear image of what you want your career to look like, and then ask yourself how you would need to behave, what you would need to believe in, and what you would need to do on a daily basis to obtain that kind of career or score that new job. Then begin.

Stephen Covey,最畅销书籍重大影响人物的7个习惯的作者,一个自助的领军人物就列出了这样一条习惯从你所想要的结果开始。这是个非常好的起点,只有你知道你想要争取的东西,你才能计划出你达到目标所要走的路。对于你希望的职业生涯你要有个清晰的画面,然后问问你自己为了实现那样的职业生涯或得到那份新工作,你要怎样行动,要相信什么,你每天都应该做什么。然后付诸行动。

3. To get there, think about being there.

3. 为了到达你想要的端点,想像你就在那个点。

We become a version of the things we think most about. I know it sounds simple, but in actuality, whatever thoughts, ideas, and images dominate our minds are often the trends we embrace in daily life. Goal-setting is an effective way to manage our thoughts and keep us focused on what really matters. So, as one step on the path to reaching your career goals, pretend you’ve already gotten there. Think about the person holding the job that you desire. What would he or she wear, say, eat, and do for fun? When you have a big decision to make, how would this person make that choice? Start acting as though you are already experiencing the success you’re searching for.


4. This year’s list.

4. 一年之计。

Make a clear and concise list of the things you want to achieve by the end of the year. This is kind of like New Year’s resolutions, but tailored to your career, with a built-in action plan. Give yourself a series of mini-deadlines and then a final deadline for when your goals should be completed.


5. Create a vision board.

5. 创建一个愿望板。

Get a piece of poster board and place it in a location where you will see it often. Grab a huge pile of magazines and simply flip through them. Cut out images that could represent some of your career goals. Look at the board to get ideas and inspiration when your job feels overwhelming.


6. No regrets.

6. 不要后悔或遗憾。

Decide on the three things that you want to achieve in your career before you die. Then work backward, listing three things you want in the next 20 years, 10 years, five years, this year, this month, this week, and, finally, the three most important things you want to accomplish today to help your professional life.


7. Challenge your thoughts.

7. 挑战你的想法。

As you think about your goals, instead of wishing or hoping you’ll achieve them, ask yourself what you can do today to make them happen. How will you do this? Check your no-regrets list as a reminder of what it is you’re striving for. Remember, hope isn’t a strategy. Action is.


8. Focus.

8. 专注。

One of the greatest mistakes people make in setting goals is trying to work on too many things at one time. There is tremendous power in giving laser-beam-focused attention to just one idea, one project, or one objective at a time. So within your large list of goals, highlight one or two that you really want to make happen and work on those first.


9. Write your success story.

9. 记录你成功的故事。

Stretch your imagination and pretend that you are giving a speech about your path to success. What is the title of the speech and what is the morale of your story?  What wisdom would you share? As the master of ceremonies introduces you, what does he or she say about you? Write your biography, including the achievements and positions you wish to have. Let the images and feelings be as real as possible, and revisit this piece of paper often.  


10. Gratitude and motivation.

10. 感恩和动机。

Spend some time each day being grateful for making progress in achieving your goals. Remind yourself of why these goals are important to you.





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