原创 Part3 The Guide for Your Builds in Twelvesky2

2009-12-17 08:52 1555 2 2 分类: 汽车电子

Part3 The Guide for Your Builds in Twelvesky2


This is Thepowerlevel! The arctile is something about the guide for builds in Twelvesky2. We just give it a summary, hope it can drive your attention.

But when your level(12Sky2 Silver) 100. You can move to this map which will gain you alot of exp! GO to the gatemaster in your town! There will be 2 maps which you could not enter level 90+! Go to the second to last map! Once there you will have Sacred Blood Lords on the South end of that map which you can not kill atill your atless level 108-112! 108 you will die alot! but w/e money is money. They only spawn on the south squar of the map but they too are on a 3 hour timer.

So to level from level(buy 12Sky2 Silver Coins) 100-112! there is a Cavern in that map which is on the Far left side of the map. Go there! And we would recommend getting a full party of 5. Because leveling will be slow with out one but still good exp if you can not get a full party!. If you did your quest then once you reach level 105 Stop doing ur quest and just grind till 112. Once you reach there Do your quest. Doing those quest should get you about 40%+ into 112! because that level is gonna take along time to get!

Once You reach Master level you will get 30 stats each lvl in master level! but im not gonna help you out there! But one thing Best place we found out to level is the 10% cave, you need yanggok formation to enter. You can level in there till m8! atless we did if you do not have 10% cave then, and if you can afford it level in Solemn Grounds. 3m to buy form gambler and cost 30 cp to use it! If you can not afford that! Then we would go mini boss hunting and or go to the last map at the gate master and kill w/e you want on that map.

Thanks for your reading. If you are interested in ordering Twelvesky2 powerleveling service, you can come to here, we provide the best service for you.



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