原创 Age of Conan Posting Issues Information

2009-10-31 13:01 1615 3 3 分类: 智能手机

Age of Conan Posting Issues Information

Welcome to visit Thepowerlevel! Here is Age of Conan posting issues information that I will introduce to you and came from other website, and hope you like it, there follows will tell you detail information. 

a. How do you post a topic in a forum?
To post a new topic in a forum, click the relevant button on either the forum or topic screens. You may need to register before you can post a message. A list of your permissions in each forum is available at the bottom of the forum and topic screens. Example: You can post new topics, You can vote in polls, etc. And we have cheaper Age of Conan Gold for your character if you want to need it.
b. How do you edit or delete a post?
Unless you are a board administrator or moderator(AoC Gold), you can only edit or delete your own posts. You can edit a post by clicking the edit button for the relevant post, sometimes for only a limited time after the post was made. If someone has already replied to the post, you will find a small piece of text output below the post when you return to the topic which lists the number of times you edited it along with the date and time. This will only appear if someone has made a reply; it will not appear if a moderator or administrator edited the post, though they may leave a note as to why they've edited the post at their own digression. Please note that normal users cannot delete a post once someone has replied. So our website can offer you secure AoC powerleveling can make you level faster.
c. How do you add a signature to your post?
To add a signature to a post you must first create one via your User Control Panel. Once created, you can check the Add signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio button in your profile. If you do so, you can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box within the posting form.
d. How do you create a poll?
When posting a new topic or editing the first post of a topic, click the "Poll creation" tab below the main posting form; if you cannot see this, you do not have appropriate permissions to create polls. Enter a title and at least two options in the appropriate fields, making sure each option is on a separate line in the textarea. You can also set the number of options users may select during voting under "Options per user", a time limit in days for the poll and lastly the option to allow users to amend their votes.



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