原创 Watch the history of the world in just two minutes!

2013-2-1 19:25 1896 25 26 分类: 消费电子

In relation to my recent Totally tubular matters blog in which I showed three videos (the singing hippo and dancing dog, the alien singing "I will survive," and the real-world parrot driving a motorized buggy), my chum David Ashton living "Down Under" in Australia (one place I REALLY want to visit) send me a link to this mind-blowing video (make sure you have sound on and also boost it up to full screen, if possible).

I honestly don't think it's possible to watch this all the way through without pausing for a few minute's thought, reflection, and rumination at the end. Take a look, and then tell me what you think via the comments below.




用户3720650 2013-2-9 09:31

It does provoke thoughts, as you promised, and it is a worthy effort.  To my taste it is too much the product of an era of short attention spans; honestly, even just a few seconds on each image would allow for some real impact besides the kind in a movie trailer.

For those interested in a little more of that reflection, I recommend The Walk Through Time; http://www.globalcommunity.org/wtt/walk_menu/index.html (also available as a coffee-table illustrated book).  This was originally presented in a real 1 mile walk at HP Labs in 1996 (and subsidized heavily if not entirely paid for by HP Labs!).  It was the brainchild of Sid Liebes, and the creation of many.  It should also give rise to some reflection.

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