原创 Marketing claims and their real-world translations

2014-8-29 16:16 1388 13 15 分类: 消费电子

My chum David Ashton in Australia just sent me an email. He was sharing a joke he'd received from someone at Microchip.



The gist of this email is to take the sorts of claims you see in marketing materials and provide the real-world translations. The examples David provided are as follows:


Marketing Spiel   Translation
Rugged   Don't plan to lift without major equipment.
Robust   Rugged, but more so.
Lightweight   Slightly lighter than rugged.
Years of development   One finally worked.
Energy-saving   Achieved when the power switch is off.
No maintenance required   Impossible to fix.
All new   Parts not interchangeable with those in previous system.


You have to admit that a lot of these seem very true to life. Can you suggest any marketing claims and their real-world translations that you think should be added to this list?




用户3687397 2014-9-10 22:32

New and improved = Same piece of crap but worse

用户1406868 2014-9-2 02:18

Unique -- we might be the first people with a commercial product that does this

Totally unique -- somehow the singularity implied by "unique" just didn't seem strong enough

Revolutionary -- changes some process or technology but deaths, change of government & lack of bread will not follow

Leader -- said by Company A about themselves -- we've got what we think is a good product and some people have actually boguht it / Said by a credible 3rd party about Company A -- product seems to be ahead of other similar solutions in the market


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