原创 Show me the best electronics-related spoof

2013-4-13 11:46 1845 26 26 分类: 消费电子

In the past years, I've seen about a bunch of really great April Fools' day spoofs.

Who amongst us could forget the classic WOM (write-only memory), which first saw the light of day as a Signetics pseudo-product from 1972 (check out this Signetics 25000 Series 9C46XN datasheet).

And then, of course, there was the infamous Black Noise Generator circuit, which purported to be of use when setting up high-end sound systems.

Recently, I learned about a smoke re-contractor that can be used to refurbish blown electronic components (I really should have held that back for today, but it was too good not to use).

As an aside, the "too good not to use" makes me think of the Queeq episode from the British science fiction sitcom Red Dwarf, but we digress...

All of this got me to thinking that there must be myriad April Fool's spoofs of which I remain blissfully unaware. So, what's the very best electronics-related April Fools' joke you've seen in a magazine or with which you have had personal experience?



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