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用户3671694 2015-5-15 11:36
Engineers in Congress
Turning 40 was a minor milestone; it's the start, more or less, of middle age, but with young kids and a busy career I had neither time nor interes ...
用户3671694 2015-5-13 21:12
How engineers think
Does your spouse understand how you think?   Engineering is an analytical profession that, when done correctly, holds ideas to the cold sc ...
用户3671694 2015-5-8 20:39
Tackling reference code
Frequent correspondent Charles Manning shared a link to a question  on Nordic Semiconductor’s site. The entire question, verbatim, is “What BL ...
用户3671694 2015-4-23 22:16
A look at an Ampere current sensor
My cup runneth over. Vendors keep sending nifty tools for measuring the current consumed by low-power embedded systems. Recently the intriguingly-n ...
用户3671694 2015-3-30 20:43
The technologies behind sailboats
I’m fascinated with the history of technology. According to Wikipedia, Homo sapiens  emerged 500,000 years ago, and for half a million years pre ...
用户3671694 2015-3-27 14:42
Examining an energy monitor
Many know about EEMBC’s  CoreMark , a suite of programs used to compare processor horsepower. Traditional benchmarks don’t do well in evaluating ...
用户3671694 2015-3-16 20:56
A talk with HCC Embdedded (Part 2)
At the Embedded Systems Conference I had a chance to have a conversation with the Dave Hughes and David Brook from HCC Embedded . They have an unu ...
用户3671694 2015-3-13 21:36
A talk with HCC Embdedded (Part 1)
At the Embedded Systems Conference I had an opportunity to sit down with Dave Hughes and David Brook from HCC Embedded . This company has a variet ...
用户3671694 2015-3-6 21:46
Freescale versus too many others
One of my pet peeves is when a datasheet lists 'typical' values with no min or max. It seems like this problem is getting worse as components g ...
用户3671694 2015-3-5 07:59
The right tester to developer ratio
Reader Dave Kellogg posed an intriguing question recently: what is the proper tester/developer ratio? Or, for projects where the developers do thei ...
用户3671694 2015-2-12 20:38
The threats to your mom's machines
In a recent New York Times article , the author shares how her mother got hit by the CryptoWall virus, which encrypted her mother’s files and d ...
用户3671694 2015-2-12 20:32
How your mother could be become a hacking victim
A recent New York Times article details how the author’s mother got hit by the CryptoWall virus, which encrypted her mother’s files and deman ...
用户3671694 2015-2-11 21:17
Pretty darn sexy processors
My wife and I joke about our “adult” magazines. For her, those are the publications about beading. For me, they’re tool catalogs and Fine Woodw ...
用户3671694 2015-2-5 18:31
Cube or open office: What's your take?
In a Washington Post article, Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace , the author explained how an ad agency moved ...
用户3671694 2015-2-5 18:28
Open office: Productive or destructive?
A Washington Post article, Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace , tackles how the author’s ad agency moved her ...
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