2014-4-23 18:20
Find the CPU
Lately, I have been having fun with a Raspberry Pi, showing it to fellow engineers and asking: “Find the CPU.” Most can’t. ...
2014-4-15 18:09
A look at Microchip's PIC16(L)F170X
8 bits? Isn't that a thing of the past? Apparently not. Microchip continues in both growth and profitability despite resisting the ARMslaugh ...
2014-4-7 15:17
Proactive debugging
In the past, processors just didn't have any on-board debugging features. This was a boon for tool makers, and kept me fed for many years as my com ...
2014-3-27 14:10
Prolonging battery life
Several days ago, I was researching some old computers, machines that required substations' worth of power. Now I'm thinking about systems that run ...
2014-3-24 20:22
Exploring Schematics.com
There is a new, free website that offers an online schematic entry tool. Check it out here . There's not much new about that, except that designs ...
2014-3-24 20:21
A look at an online schematic editor
A new website offers a free online schematic entry tool. There's not much new about that, except that designs on this new site are made freely av ...
2014-3-14 17:22
Difference between hackers and makers
Wikipedia provides an enlightening tidbit in an entry on hackers : "Today, mainstream (mediums) usage of "hacker" might mostly refer to computer ...
2014-3-14 17:15
On hackers and makers
A Wikipedia entry offers this enlightening tidbit in an article on hackers : "Today, mainstream (mediums) usage of "hacker" might mostly refer t ...
2014-3-4 19:05
Is estimation evil?
" Estimation is Evil " is an article recently written by the always-provocative Ron Jeffries. It is part agile manifesto, part screed, and has a lo ...
2014-2-28 19:36
Know this C tidbit
As I have said before, everyone knows about C's assert macro. But I have found that few embedded people make much use of it. Everyone also knows ab ...
2014-2-20 17:45
How early should we start teaching coding?
According to this article and many others like it that cropped up recently, all kids should learn "coding" in elementary school. The argument u ...
2014-2-13 18:17
Insights on Keysight Technologies
The oscilloscope on the shelf over my bench bears an HP logo. The one below it is labelled "Agilent Technologies". My next one may be made b ...
2014-2-6 16:09
Grasping C pointers
When I first saw Richard Reese's Understanding and Using C Pointers , my reaction was "What! An entire book just about pointers?". It is actually ...
2014-1-29 16:57
John von Neumann's view of 2014
What would Hiram Percy Maxim make of the ham scene if he were alive today? This is what Kay Craigie considers in the January issue of QST, a magazi ...
2014-1-29 16:52
How John von Neumann would view 2014
In the January issue of QST, a magazine (still in print!) for ham radio enthusiasts, Kay Craigie muses on what Hiram Percy Maxim would make of the ...