Saleae is a small instrument company based out of San Francisco, United States. It is comprised of bright young folks who make me wistfully think o ...
One of the most powerful tools to enhance the quality of firmware is the code inspection. They also speed development. A lot of data supports the l ...
When I attended college, it was the mainframe days. The school had one computer for its 40,000 students, a huge dual-processor Univac 1108. Eight o ...
In 1981, a friend and I put up a consulting company. The embedded age was quite young and our customers, even the technical types, were mostly bewi ...
Software is strange stuff. If a newly-constructed bridge is fine with heavily-loaded trucks going across, odds are pretty good that little Sally on ...
The wind was howling, the rain torrential. I estimated peaks of 80 knots. Storms, even short summer thunderstorms, are always fun, and we were watc ...
This was supposed to be a blog about a conference I attended a few weeks ago. The article was brilliantly crafted, filled with soaring prose and el ...
Now that I have discharged about 100 CR2032 coin cells using a number of power profiles, I have come to collect millions of data points, and have s ...