Microchip Technology Inc.’s TC1219 (switching
frequency at 12 kHz) and TC1220 (switching frequency
at 35 kHz) are inverting charge pump voltage convert-
ers that are specified using rather large capacitors
(10 µF for the TC1219 and 3.3 µF for the TC1220).
These capacitor sizes allow the designer the luxury of a
reasonably low output resistance (25Ω typical) capable
of driving load currents up to 25 mA. However, these
larger-value external capacitors are more expensive
and require additional printed circuit board (PCB) space
than their smaller-valued counterparts. Additionally, the
time required to shutdown these charge pump convert-
ers becomes longer with larger-value external capaci-
tors and in certain higher-speed applications, this
unfortunate feature can be devastating. AN813
Applying the TC1219/TC1220 Inverting Charge Pumps
with Small External Capacitor Values
Author: Patrick Maresca Connect to VIN for
Microchip Technology Inc. +5V
DC Measurements
2 Connect to External
6 VIN Func. Gen. For Tuning