LTC2393-16具有全差分输入,与传统差分输入的ADC相比,可提高SNR性能6dB左右。适用于要求低失真、大动态范围的应用。获得低噪声、低失真性能需采用正确的元件和好的布线。Driving Lessons for a Low Noise, Low Distortion, 16-Bit,
Design Note 477
Guy Hoover
Introduction maintaining performance. All of the resistors used in this
Designing an ADC driving topology that delivers uncom- circuit are relatively low values. This keeps the noise and
promising performance is challenging, especially when settling time low. Metal film resistors are recommended
designing around an ultralow noise SAR ADC such as the to reduce distortion caused by self-heating. An NPO
1Msps LTC2393-16. For both single-ended and differential capacitor is used for C2 because of its low voltage coef-
applications, a ……