LT1970是一款灵活易用的功率运算放大器,具有内置精准可调的电流限制,可实现,以避免放大器输出的过大功率损坏负载电路。这一特性在ATE系统中特别有用。通过对电流的控制可对高度单元提供有效的保护。 advertisement
The LT1970 Power Op Amp Provides On-the-Fly
Adjustable Current Limit for Flexibility and Load Protection
in High Current Applications ― Design Note 298
Tim Regan
Introduction (10mA) tolerance. The output current is continuously
Many power operational amplifiers offer a built-in current sensed by a small valued resistor, RS, connected in series
limit where the limit is fixed or programmable through an with the load as shown in Figure 1. The maximum output
external resistor. This offers the most basic measure of ……