宽输入电压范围的传统的单芯片微功耗运算放大器需要大的散热面积、大封装和引脚。LT6011双路运算放大器可在一小型3mm×3mm DFN封装中实现25μV输入精度,微功耗工作,2.7V至36V输入电压范围。 advertisement
Dual 25V Micropower Op Amp Fits in 3mm × 3mm Package
Design Note 331
Glen Brisebois
Introduction The LT1790-1.25 micropower reference provides a stable
Conventional monolithic micropower op amps with a 1.25V reference voltage. The 7.87k:100k resistive ladder
wide supply voltage range require a large die area and attenuates this to about 90mV across the 7.87k and the
therefore, a large package and footprint. The unconven- LT1782 acts as a buffer. When this 90mV is applied as
tional LT6011 dual op amp fits 25V input precision excitation across the Hall bridge, the current is only