系统设计者一直关注减少他们产品中的电源的数量。追求以现有的5V逻辑电源来最大化模拟性能,实现了低电压高性能的视频解决方案。对于高分辨率的应用,Linear公司推出LT6557/LT6558 交流耦合放大器、LT6556带缓存的多路复用器、LT6559三路电流反馈运算放大器,这些器件都可很好地工作于5V环境中。High Resolution Video Solutions Using Single 5V Power
Design Note 396
Jon Munson
Introduction power supply. Some parts that t this mold include the
Video cable driver amplier output stages traditionally LT6556, a UXGA-resolution (1600 × 1200 pixel) RGB 2:1
require a supply voltage of at least 6V in order to provide input-port buffered multiplexer (MUX); the LT6557 and
the required output swing. This requirement is usually LT6558 UXGA xed gain triple ampliers that include
met with 5V supplies by adding a boost regulator or a on-chip biasing to minimize external part count; and the
small local negative rail, say via the p……