LTC2631和LTC2540增加了I2C能力和双极性REF引脚,内置集成的参考源。LT1991运算放大器具有内部精密电阻,是改善输出范围设计的理想选择。12-bit DAC in TSOT-23 Includes Bidirectional REF Pin for
Connection to Op Amp or External High Precision Reference
Design Note 448
Kevin Wrenner, Troy Seman and Mark Thoren
Introduction The LT1991 precision op amp is a superb choice for
The LTC2630’s combination of a 12-bit DAC and low-drift amplifying or attenuating the DAC output to achieve a
integrated reference in a tiny SC-70 package has proven desired output range because it requires no precision
popular for a wide variety of applications. Two new DACs, external resistors. Its integrated, precision resistors are
the LTC2631 and LTC2640, tak……