LTC6602双通道带通滤波器是一款就用于高性能UHF RFID读卡器设计的可编程基带滤波器,通过软件控制采用单应答机或在应答机有使用标签信号实现高数据率, LTC6602采用紧凑型封装,可通过并口或串口进行控制。Programmable Baseband Filter for Software-Dened
UHF RFID Readers
Design Note 432
Philip Karantzalis
Introduction clock frequency. The lowpass division ratio options are
Radio frequency identication (RFID) is an auto-ID tech- 100, 300 and 600 and the highpass division ratios are,
nology that identies any object that contains a coded tag. 1000, 2000, 6000. Figure 1 shows a typical lter response
A UHF RFID system consists of a reader (or interrogator) with a 90MHz internal clock and the division ratios set to
that transmits information to a tag by modulating an RF 6000 and 600 for the highpass and lowpass, respectively.
signal in the 860MHz……