LTC4010和LTC4011为镍铬/镍氢电池的可靠、稳定、安全快速充电提供了完整独立的解决方案。正确地充电不但可以获得最大的电池容量,而且可以避免高温、过充和其他对电池寿命产生不利影响的因素。 advertisement
Fast, High Efciency, Standalone NiMH/NiCd Battery Charging
Design Note 380
Fran Hoffart
Introduction NiCd/NiMH Battery Charging Basics
Although recent popular attention is focused on Lithium Batteries come in many sizes and capacity ratings.
Ion batteries, one must not forget that other battery When specifying charge current, it is commonly related
chemistries, such as Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) and Nickel to a battery’s capacity, or simply “C”. The letter “C” is a