LT3506和LT3506A提供低至0.8V输出电压和1.6A的电流。两路反相开关减少了输入电压纹波,消除EMI。PG、VC和RUN/SS引脚使供电排序简化,两种封装选择和两种开关频率选择允许优化多种应用的解决方案。 advertisement
Dual Monolithic Step-Down Switching Regulator Provides 1.6A
Outputs with Reduced EMI and VOUT as Low as 0.8V
Design Note 404
Hua (Walker) Bai
Introduction the LT3506 and the LT3506A have 0.8V high accuracy
Electronic devices are becoming smaller while the power voltage references.
requirements are increasing to satisfy ever more func- Typical LT3506A and LT3506 Applications
tionality. To preserve power and manage heat, switching