除了采用LTM4605或LTM4607,没有其他方法能够实现效率高集成度的升压-降压转换器。只需要一个电感、一个检测电阻和一个输入电容,而无需其他技巧即可实现高达98%的效率。PCB部分的小面积LGA封装使共具有良好的热性能,可实现168W功率输出(8cm × 8.4cm 4-layer PCB)。这些器件是汽车、电信、医疗、电机驱动和电池供电应用的理想解决方案。Module Buck-Boost Regulators Offer a Simple and Efcient
Solution for Wide Input and Output Voltage Range Applications
Design Note 438
Jian Yin and Eddie Beville
Introduction Low Prole Solution
An increasing number of applications require DC/DC These power modules are offered in a space saving
converters that produce an output that falls somewhere and thermally enhanced 15mm × 15mm × 2.8mm LGA
within the input voltage range. The problem is that package. This low prole package can t the back side
conventional buck-boost converter topologies, such as of PC boards for many high density point-of-load ap-
SEPIC or boost followed by buck, are complex, inefcient plications. Their high switching frequency and……