LTC3862两相控制器是一款功能强大的芯片,适于多相升压转换器应用,满足要求高效、低功耗、低电压和电流纹波和小封装解决方案的需要,而无需强制空气降温或散热器。4-Phase Boost Converter Delivers 384W with no Heat Sink
Design Note 453
Victor Khasiev
Introduction need for bulky heat sinks and forced-air cooling. Inter-
High power boost converters are becoming increasingly leaving power stages (multiphase operation) improves
popular among designers in the automotive, industrial efciency and reduces ripple voltage and currents in
and telecom industries. When power levels of 300W or both the input and output capacitors, allowing the use
more are required, high efciency (low power loss) is ……