The PIC16C72A is a member of the PICmicro
Range Family of 8-bit, high-speed microcontrollers.
The PIC16C72 provides the following features:
• 5 Channel, 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D)
• CCP Module to generate a PWM output
C™/SPI™ Module
•3 Timers
• 8 Interrupt sources
This application note shows how to combine the A/D
and CCP modules with suitable software to produce a
Switch Mode Battery Eliminator (SMBE) providing 3.0,
4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5 and 9.0 volt output voltages at up to 1
Amp with an AC or DC input between 12.6V and 30V
peak. AN701
Switch Mode Battery Eliminator Based on a PIC16C72A
Analog-to-Digital Converter Module
Author: Brett Duane
Microchip Technology The A/D converts an input voltage between ground and
VDD to an 8-bit value presented in ADRES. In this appli-
cation, the switching converter input and output volt-
OVERVIEW ages are sampled. Provisions have been included to