The TC7106A/7106 3-1/2 digit analog-to-digital (ADC)
converters with liquid crystal display drive can be easily
powered from ±5V power supplies. Low cost voltage
regulators, such as the TC55 (+5V) and TC59 (–5V),
power the TC7106A/7106 in Figure 1. Analog com-
mon, internally referenced to 3V below the positive
supply potential, is used to supply the converter
If only +5V is available, the low cost TC7660 DC-to-DC
converter easily generates the –5V supply, as shown in
Figure 2. A TC7107A/7107 LED display converter can
also be powered by a TC7660.M AN783
±5V Power Supply Operation with TC7106A/7107A
An external voltage reference replaces the internal ref-
Author: Microchip Technology Inc.
erence in Figure 3. Chip temperature variations caused
by changing LED display drive current can cause full-
INTRODUCTION scale drift if the internal reference does not have a low
temperature coefficient. In……