There is a variety of temperature sensors on the market
all of which meet specific application needs. The most
common sensors that are used to solve these applica-
tion problems include the thermocouple, Resistive
Temperature Detector (RTD) thermistor, and sili-
con-based sensors. For an overview and comparison
of these sensors, refer to Microchip’s AN679, “Temper-
ature Sensing Technologies”.
This application note focuses on circuit solutions that
use Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) ther-
mistors in the design. The Thermistor has a non-linear
resistance change-over temperature. The degree of
this non-linearity will be discussed in the “Hardware
Linearization Solutions” section of this application note.
From this discussion, various linearization resistor net-
works will be shown with error analysis included.
Finally, the signal conditioning path for the thermistor
system will be covered with complete application cir-
cuits from sensor or microprocessor. AN685
Thermistors in Single Supply Temperature Sensing Circuits
generated by the power dissipated by the element. Any
Author: Bonnie C. Baker
change in the flow of the liquid or gas across the device
Microchip Technology Inc.
changes the power dissipation factor of the thermistor
element. In this manner, the resistance of the ther-
INTRODUCTION mistor is changed, relat……