The PIC17C4X high end microcontroller family, offered
by Microchip, has many features which make it one of
the fastest 8-bit microcontrollers in the industry. How-ever one feature which is missing is an on-chip Ana-log-to-Digital (A/D) converter. This Technical Brief
describes how to connect a PIC16C710 to a PIC17C4X
through a simple Serial I/O (SIO) 3 line interface. The
result is a quick method by which a user can get a fast
(approx. 17 kHz transfer rate) 4-channel A/D converter TB010
Adding a Simple 4-channel 8-bit A/D to a PIC17C4X
Author: Stan D’Souza
Microchip Technology Inc. The PIC17C4X is the master device in this case, oper-
ating at 16 MHz . The master generates the CLK pulse
and initiates the conversion. The PIC16C710 is the
INTRODUCTION slave, operating at 20 MHz, and provides the ……